Inspired by the Sumatran Tiger parallax I decided to design a similar effect for a fictional "Dark Fantasy" RPG.
I designed a prototype to transition from Gameplay to Character Stats screen.

Parallax Effect Inspiration

Websites can be a great source of inspiration for innovative UI, the challenge is translating 2D effects and functionalities to a 3D World environment. The advantage of 3D is it's richer and more powerful, so we can use very impressive VFX with particle system, post-processing effects for the camera, etc. 
I designed the UI in Adobe Illustrator, developed the transition and coded animations  in Unity.
This is just a prototype, it doesn't belong to any real game. 
This is part of my UI Experimental Series.
Game Play
Scene showing current game play.
This is a prototype showing a potential "Dark Fantasy" RPG type of game.
I used a Dissolve effect to transition from game play to UI Character Stats.
I animated some of the 3D background elements to reproduce the parallax effect.
UI Design
I designed a "fictional" Character Stats screen. My goal was to have a very clean and readable UI.
I modernized the design for a "Dark Fantasy" kind of game by using modern fonts and basic ornamentation with flat icons.
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